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Make Your Forms Able with Labels

Forms Forever

It's no surprise to any web developer that forms and their inputs are at the heart of most of modern web development. From logins to customer feedback to searching, so much is driven by forms.

However, a simple little HTML tag can make your forms so much better: label. Labels are exactly what they say they are, they label other elements, or as the MDN page puts it: they act as a "caption for an item". Most commonly labels label inputs and textareas. The input or textarea is know as a "control" and, when labelled, it's called a "labeled control". Because of that when this article says "control" it's referring to an input or textarea.

Yeah, But Why?

Overall, a label provides enhanced functionality:

  1. The user gets text that says what the input is meant to do
  2. When the user clicks on the label, it will set focus to the control
  3. Accessibility: when a screen reader focuses on an control, it will announce it using the label text.

That third point is super important (which is why it's bolded). Not to get on a soap box, but the web is meant for everyone. If your site isn't accessible it breaks that "for everyone" principle.

Basically, It's a Label

The basic way of using a label is this:

<label for="title">Title:</label> <input id="title" name="title" type="text">

The for attribute of the label must be the id of the control it is meant to label. It's that simple.

Nestled All Snug in a Label

There's another form which a label can take. A label can wrap the control it's meant to label:

<label for="title"> Title <input id="title" name="title" type="text"> </label>

But there's a nice trick that can be used when nesting the control inside the label:

<label> Title <input name="title" type="text"> </label>

If the control is nested, it doesn't need an id and the label doesn't need a for attribute because the association between the label and the control is implicit.

And Always Let Your Labels Be Your Guide

That's it. With just one tag you can drastically improve the capabilities of your forms. Adding styling obviously helps and can bring some freshness to your forms. Here's a simple example on Codepen (I make no claims of being a good designer):

See the Pen Label Able by Matt Fehskens (@gonzofish) on CodePen.